Monthly Archives: May 2018

“Chain Reaction” Pictographs

During a busy winter season we managed to slip away to the backcountry one weekend day. On my wish list were three sites – two I’ve never been to and one I had been to but haven’t documented very well during prior visits.

As sometimes happens, the sequence of events for the day ended up putting us in an interesting spot … but I won’t talk too much about that here. This site was the 2nd of the three sites we were trying to visit, and the time we spent at it, as well as the time we spent hunting fruitlessly for the first site, put us at the third site at just the wrong time, where we ended up getting snowed out of the backcountry!

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Counsel Rocks – Approach

The Counsel Rocks rock art site is fairly well-known and very well-researched. The centerpiece of it is “Womb Rock”, thought by some to be linked to the Lone Woman of the Cave legend, and by others to be a solstice observation site, but there is a lot more to this area than just “Womb Rock”.

We visited in late spring and it was already getting to be a bit hot. But once we reached the site and started exploring the heat was forgotten. What a treasure! Continue reading