Monthly Archives: March 2016

Twin Tanks area Petroglyphs

Reaching the Twin Tanks area in Joshua Tree National Park from the Twin Tanks backcountry board requires a little bit of a hike, either cross country proper or up a wide wash.

The tanks referred to are dams built by cattle ranchers to enhance natural tanks that were used for years prior by the Native Americans who lived in the area.

The tanks are interesting enough by themselves, but today’s entry is about the older history of the area.

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“Exfoliated Shelter” Pictographs

Many of the rock shelters in Joshua Tree National Park are at least partly formed by a natural erosion process called exfoliation. There are different theories as to how exactly this process works. The theory currents in favor is that it is caused by rain breaching the surface of the granite and interacting with the minerals in the rock, causing expansion which over time causes the surface to flake off.

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