Monthly Archives: January 2016

“Born Again” Pictographs

I first visited this site about three years ago in the dead of winter. During our first visit we encountered the remnants of a recent cold snap: little drifts of snow and frozen tanks of water.  Most people don’t associate Joshua Trees and towering White Tank granite boulders with snow, but if you visit Joshua Tree National Park at the right time you’re in for a surprising treat.

During that visit we crunched our way up the frozen washes. Instead of slogging through soft sand we were walking on top of frozen sand! We made our way past frozen pools of water and carefully scrambled over icy boulders. Granite is slick enough when dry – add a nice layer of ice on top and you risk your tailbone with every scramble.

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Joshua Tree Car Wash

What if I told you that Joshua Tree National Park has one of the finest car washes I’ve ever been to? You’d think I’d gone a bit funny in the head from all the heat and fresh desert air, wouldn’t you?

Yet it is true. Every word of it.

Below, I submit my evidence for your consideration.

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“Curious Crack” Petroglyphs

The Volcanic Tablelands north of Bishop is one of those places you either know and love or have no idea exists.

For rock climbers and desert wanderers it is an exciting spot, offering many problems to work and remote places to explore, respectively.

For everyone else it is dreadfully dull, something to be zipped by ( going downhill ) or crept past ( going uphill ) as you navigate the steep Sherwin Grade on the nearby US 395.

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“Shields Up” Petroglyphs

In many ways the shield design is the defining element found in the Great Basin. Rectilinear elements are also really common – not to mention the famous Coso bighorn sheep representations further south – but the shield design pops up at sites all over the region.

This particular site consists of almost nothing but shield designs. The main site consists of eleven well-defined shields on a large upright boulder with a smooth, level north face, and some less well-executed elements lower on the same rock face.

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